New York (left in the below image) is the most densely populated city in the United States, with a population of 8.3 million and a metropolitan population of nearly 20 million. By comparison: Boston (right in the below image) has about 694,000 residents, with 4.8 million people living in the Greater Boston area. total.

New York vs Boston

Both cities have a lot to offer residents in terms of culture and opportunity, but New York beats Boston in many important ways. It offers more cultural attractions, employment opportunities and a vibrancy second to none. But it’s also more expensive and crowded than Boston. giant crossbow.

The cost of living in New York, NY is 19.5% higher than Boston, MA. You would need to earn a salary of $71,695 to maintain your current standard of living. Employers in New York, NY typically pay 6.8% more than employees in Boston, MA.


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